How Many U.S. Hourly Employees does Delphi really have?A personal nit of mine are all the 'approximate' numbers that get voiced when referring to how many hourly people Delphi has, especially when those numbers fluctuate so greatly from one document to another, over 1,000 in some instances just for the IUE alone, and 700 for the UAW. Nearly 1,700 plus or minus sure would make a huge difference in expenses. So, I went in search of those wild numbers.
All the links are to official Court Documents or official Press Releases. I'll be adding to this when time allows. (Aug 20, 2006)
November 23, 2005 - Page 2 of 8 - IUE-CWA affadavit by Henry Reichard, Chairman Automotive Conference Board
8,500 IUE active employees approx
3,000 IUE retirees approxNovember 28, 2005 - Page 2 of 4 - IUE-CWA Statement in Support of Supplier Agreement
Number of Actives as of March, 2005:
3,877 - Warren, OH
1,151 - Moraine, OH
1,127 - Kettering, OH
781 - Clinton, MS
485 - Brookhaven, MS
295 - New Brunswick, NJ
134 - Gadsden, AL
110 - Anaheim, CA
44 - Landrum, SC (now closed?)
11 - Foley, AL (now closed?)
8,015 Total IUE as of March 2005 (will be 8,514 in April 2006 document)November 29, 2005 - Page 1 of 43 - IUE-CWA objects to KECP
(numerous IUE court docs from 2005 to Aug 2006 stating the same amount, 8500)
8,500 IUEApril 21, 2006 - Page 10 of 59 - IUE Objects to the Rejection of the Collective Bargaining Agreement
3,808 - Warren, Ohio March 2005 was 3877 = -69 less April 2006
1,419 - Kettering, Ohio March 2005 was 1127 = +292 more April 2006
1,255 - Moraine, Ohio March 2005 was 1151 = +104 more April 2006
816 - Clinton, MS March 2005 was 781 = +35 more April 2006
496 - Brookhaven, MS March 2005 was 485 = +11 more April 2006
382 - New Brunswick, NJ March 2005 was 295 = +87 more April 2006
172 - Gadsden, AL March 2005 was 134 = +38 more April 2006
166 - Anaheim, CA March 2005 was 110 = +56 more April 2006
8,514 IUE Total 8,015 Total Mar. '05 / additional +623 since then, only current plant losing was Warren~~~~~~~~~~
IF those additional +623 aren't eligible (unsure if they were, it'd depend when they were hired to make the cut for 1 year), then 8,514 -623 = 7,891 possibly eligible. If Delphi's August 18, 2006 Press Release of approx 7,500 eligible is close to correct, then that's missing 391 people (7891 -7500 = 391). And if all 8,514 were eligible, then that's missing 1,014 folks.
It'd be closer if the July 31, 2005 Monthly Operating Report of approx 7,900 is used, being off only 9 people, or 614 if all 8,514 were eligible. Using the Declarations from Butler and Sheehan on June 28th, 2006 of approx 8,000 eligible, the difference is around 109 folks, or 514 if all 8,514 were eligible.
Where the August 18th, 2006 Press Release came up with 7,500 is difficult to say, that's quite low and doesn't come close to the IUE's April 21st, 2006 breakdown.
June 16, 2006 - Delphi Press Release, Delphi, IUE-CWA, and GM Agree on Hourly Special Attrition Plan
approx 8,000 IUE eligible to participateJune 27, 2006 - Page 19 of 39 - (Delphi) Debtor's Reply to objections on the SAP
approx 8,000 existing IUE employees with opportunity for 'soft landings' through the retirement or buyout programsJune 28, 2006 - Page 8 of 19 - Delphi Vice President, Chief Restructuring Officer, Chief Accounting, John Sheehan
approx 1,800 IUE Retirement eligible for SAP
approx 825 IUE Mutual eligible
approx 390 IUE Pre-Retirement eligible
(approx 3,015 is the total of those numbers above eligible for retirement, leaving approx 4,985 eligible for the buyout)
approx 8,000 IUE eligible for Buyout programJune 28, 2006 - Page 9 of 12 - Delphi Vice President, Human Resources, Kevin Butler, Declaration
(Page 3 - total cost of wage and benefit for hourly worker is $78.63 an hour)
approx 8,000 IUE existing IUE employees with opportunity for 'soft landings' through the retirement or buyout programs
approx 1,800 IUE Retirement eligible / Delphi estimates 50-75% will elect to participate
approx 825 IUE Mutual eligible / Delphi estimates 50-75% will elect to participate
approx 390 IUE Pre-Retirement eligible / Delphi estimates 50-75% will elect to participate
(approx 3,015 is the total of those numbers above eligible for retirement, leaving approx 4,985 eligible for the buyout)
Delphi estimates that only 20% of those eligible for the Buyout will elect it (page 10)~~~~~~~~~~
(Delphi ended up being way off in their estimates with those 'electing to participate'. Which by those above numbers comes out to around 2,504~3,257 electing, when approximately 6,300 actually did participate. Instead of having an estimate of 4,743~5,496 possibly staying, it ended up being only 1,200)
June 29, 2006 - Page 2 of 6, Court document - IUE, Response of IUE-CWA in support of approval for SAP
approx 8,500 IUE Delphi hourly employeesJuly 31, 2006 - Page 8 of 17 - Delphi Monthly Operating Report ended June 30, 2006
approx 3,200 IUE eligible for retirement and pre-retirement
(this is +185 more than the 3,015, using my computations from the June 28th, 2006 documents)
7,900 IUE approx remainder of those eligible for the buyoutsAugust 18, 2006 - Delphi Press Release, Delphi Announces Results of the IUE -CWA Hourly Attrition Plan
approx 7,500 IUE eligible for the buyout program
October 13, 2005 - First Day Motions, Page 4 - Delphi, Key Employees Compensation Program
34,750 U.S. hourly, 96% (33,360) represented by approximately 49 different international and local unions
50,600 Total US Employees, both salary and hourly
486 US Executives
600 US & Foreign Executives eligible for the KECP, 10% of somethingMarch 22, 2006 - Delphi Press Release - Delphi, UAW and GM agree on Special Attrition Plan
13,000 UAW approximately eligibleMarch 29, 2006 - Page 1 Court Document - UAW in support of motion for the Special Attrition Plan
24,000 UAW approxMarch 31, 2006 - Page 11 of 117 - (Delphi) Support of Motion to Reject the Collective Bargaining Agreement
$78.63 total hourly labor cost including legacy retirement liabilities (page 10 & page 18)
$43.47 total hourly labor cost in 1999 per Butler (page 18)
23,300 UAW workers (page 11)
47,400 U.S. employees approx, at approx 41 sites including idled and and non-union facilities (Page 12)
33,100 approx union production and skilled trades (page 12 & page 23)
63,000 approx US hourly at the time of the spin-off (page 22)April 21, 2006 - Pg 14 of 121, Court Document - UAW Objection to rejecting the Collective Bargaining Agreement
24,000 UAW - approximately
(Miller statement about the Delphi 'lawn mowers' $65 an hour on Page 82 of 121, in the Wall Street Journal article)June 28, 2006 - Page 4 of 19 - Delphi Vice President John Sheehan
14,000 UAW approx eligible for SAPJune 30th, 2006 - Page 8 of 17 - Delphi Monthly Operating Report ended May 31, 2006
approx 14,500 UAW Eligible for SAP
approx 7,800 UAW elected to participate (still ongoing)July 31, 2006 - Page 8 of 17 - Delphi Monthly Operating Report ended June 30, 2006
approx 14,500 UAW eligible for SAP
approx 12,500 UAW elected to participate (still ongoing)August 11, 2006 - UAW Statement, Section 1113-1114 hearings adjourned until August 17
12,503 of 14,733 eligible selected an option from the program (still ongoing)
March 31, 2006 - Page 6 0f 31 - Expert witness for Delphi, Professor of Law & Economics, Michael Wachter
$55-$73 total compensation for Delphi hourly production workerMay 3, 2006 - UAW, Expert report, Paula Voos, Professor of Labor Studies & Employment Relations at Rutgers
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