Attrition Reports - Packard ElectricThis isn't officially confirmed, but I heard that some folks may have signed-up that may not be eligible for the option they chose, so maybe, possibly, these numbers may go up. Additionally, it's possible the Lists may be inaccurate with people having signed to go/already left but possibly being included, so then these numbers may also go down. Very hard to say. (Aug 23, 2006)
It looks like there are 404 Production staying at Packard; here's the breakdown by Seniority:
Seniority Staying 1955 1 1964 2 1965 3 1966 1 1968 2 1969 1 1971 1 1972 7 1973 7 1979 1 1980 10 1985 87 1988 48 1993 63 1994 117 1995 13 1999 25 2000 15 Total: 404 So with 404 Production and 250 Skilled Trades staying, this leaves Packard short -379 for their goal of 1,033 hourly workers. (August 22, 2006)
Mass Exodus at Delphi Plants - Clarion Ledger article, August 19, 2006
According to the article, the Clinton MS plant had 579 out of 747 workers take the buyout, which would leave 168 employees staying. And Brookhaven MS had 335 out of 448 take the buyout, leaving 113 workers staying. Around 1,200 total IUE workers will be left, out of approximately 7,500 (or 8,000, or 8,200, or 8,500 depending on which document/article is cited)~~~~~~~~~~
6,300 IUE workers leaving Delphi - Delphi Press Release, August 18, 2006.
Around 83% out of about 7,500 eligible IUE-CWA hourly employees participated in the Attrition Program. This would leave approximately 1,200 IUE members staying with Delphi if those numbers are accurate. The total amount of hourly employees seems to fluctuate greatly though, (court motion to approve the UAW Supplement and the IUE-CWA SAP), with different news reports from one day/week/month (court document from IUE approx 8,500, June 29, 2006) to another (Delphi Press Release, approx 8,000, June 16, 2006).~~~~~~~~~~
Attrition Recap Totals (Unofficial) - A recap of the Final ending totals, with additional info we normally scribbled each night. (Done by me so it's unofficial of course). (Joyce, Aug. 18, 2006)
Attrition Report Final as of Aug. 16th, 2006 at 5pm - Final report. 3,130 hourly Packard Electric employees leaving out of about 3,780, leaving around 650 staying. Posted in-plant Thursday, August 17th, 2006.
The Tribune Chronicle just reported the possible final numbers around 1am - a total of 3,130 were locked-in and leaving Packard Electric. Production 2,534 and Skilled Trades 596. This may leave Packard short around 73 Skilled Trades if they want a total of 323 of them, and will possibly be short around 310 Production workers if their goal is to have only 710. (numbers are of course approximate). (Aug 17, 2006)
By my unofficial estimates, it appears that around 400 Production will be staying while 2,534 are leaving, creating a shortfall of around -310 Production.
Again by my unofficial estimates, it appears that around 250 Skilled Trades will be staying while 596 are leaving, creating a shortfall of around -73 Skilled Trades.
Attrition Report as of Wednesday at 8am, August 16, 2006 - It appears there were 58 more people who had withdrawn their paperwork as of 8am on Wednesday. There were 8 hours left before the final lock-in. Hopefully the ending tally will be ready Thursday morning.
(The tables below are unofficial, created by me, using the numbers from the Attrition Reports on Tuesday August 15th and Wednesday August 16th. There are possibilities of errors in some manner or another, so please be cautious. Don't forget, the numbers may change drastically within the last day (today).
Production: August 15th at 8am: August 16th at 8am: Withdrawn: Normal & Early Retirement 841 839 2 Mutual Retirement 170 168 2 Pre-Retirement 51 51 0 70K Buyout 190 189 1 140K Buyout 1430 1395 35 Totals: 2,682 2,642 40
Skilled Trades: August 15th at 8am: August 16th at 8am: Withdrawn: Normal & Early Retirement 273 271 2 Mutual Retirement 69 67 2 Pre-Retirement 12 12 0 70K Buyout 54 51 3 140K Buyout 250 239 11 Totals: 658 640 18
Total of both: 3,340 3,282 58
Total Withdrawn since Aug. 9th: (10 + 35 + 58) 103
Already locked in, past the 7 day period: August 15th at 8am: August 16th at 8am: Last 2 days: Production 2,005 2,332 327 Skilled Trades 445 525 80 Totals: 2,450 2,857 407
NOT Past the 7 days yet as of 8am, Aug. 16th: Total amount signed to leave: Total amount already locked in: Still have time to revoke: Production 2,642 2,332 310 Skilled Trades 640 525 115 Total: 3,282 2,857 425 There may be (or possibly were) approximately 2,934 total Production signed and unsigned, but it's difficult to say for sure with Delphi's numbers.
(above tables are unofficial, created by me, using the numbers from the Attrition Reports on Tuesday August 15th and Wednesday August 16th. There are possibilities of errors in some manner or another, so please be cautious. Don't forget, the numbers may change drastically within the last day (today).
Attrition Report as of August 15th, 2006 at 8am - As of Tuesday at 8am, it appears there were 35 more people who had withdrawn their forms and have opted to stay. Posted in-plant August 15th. pdf doc 138kb (Aug. 16)
(The tables below are unofficial, created by me, using the numbers from the Attrition Reports on Monday August 14th and Tuesday August 15th. There are possibilities of errors in some manner or another, so please be cautious. Don't forget, the numbers may change drastically within the next 2 days).
Production: August 14th at 8am: August 15th at 8am: Withdrawn: Normal & Early Retirement 840 841 ?? additional 1 ?? Mutual Retirement 170 170 0 Pre-Retirement 51 51 0 70K Buyout 190 190 0 140K Buyout 1453 1430 23 Totals: 2,704 2,682 23
Skilled Trades: August 14th at 8am: August 15th at 8am: Withdrawn: Normal & Early Retirement 275 273 2 Mutual Retirement 72 69 3 Pre-Retirement 12 12 0 70K Buyout 56 54 2 140K Buyout 256 250 6 Totals: 671 658 13
Total of both: 3,375 3,340 35
Total Withdrawn since Aug. 9th: (10 on the 14th / 35 on the 15th) 45
Already locked in, past the 7 day period: August 14th at 8am: August 15th at 8am: Last 2 days: Production 1,667 2,005 338 Skilled Trades 375 445 70 Totals: 2,042 2,450 408
NOT Past the 7 days yet as of 8am, Aug. 15th: Total amount signed to leave: Total amount already locked in: Still have time to revoke: Production 2,682 2,005 677 Skilled Trades 658 445 213 Total: 3,340 2,450 890 There may be (or possibly were) approximately 2,934 total Production signed and unsigned, but it's difficult to say for sure with Delphi's numbers.
(above tables are unofficial, created by me, using the numbers from the Attrition Reports on Monday August 14th and Tuesday August 15th. There are possibilities of errors in some manner or another, so please be cautious. Don't forget, the numbers may change drastically within the next 2 days).
Attrition Report as of August 14th, 2006 at 8am - As of Monday at 8am, it appears there were 10 people who had withdrawn their forms and have opted to stay. Posted in-plant August 14th. pdf doc 134kb (Aug. 15)
(The tables below are unofficial, created by me, using the numbers from the Attrition Reports on Wednesday Aug. 9th, and Monday August 14th. There are possibilities of errors in some manner or another, so please be cautious. Don't forget, the numbers may change drastically within the next 2 days).
Production: August 9th at 5pm: August 14th at 8am: Withdrawn: Normal & Early Retirement 841 840 1 Mutual Retirement 171 170 1 Pre-Retirement 51 51 0 70K Buyout 191 190 1 140K Buyout 1457 1453 4 Totals: 2,711 2,704 7
Skilled Trades: August 9th at 5pm: August 14th at 8am: Withdrawn: Normal & Early Retirement 275 275 0 Mutual Retirement 72 72 0 Pre-Retirement 12 12 0 70K Buyout 56 56 0 140K Buyout 259 256 3 Totals: 674 671 3
Total of both: 3,385 3,375 10
Past the 7 day period: August 14th at 8am: Production 1,667 Skilled Trades 375 Totals: 2,042
NOT Past the 7 days yet Total amount signed to leave now: Amount already locked in: Still have time to revoke: As of 8am Aug. 14th: 3,375 2,042 1,333 (above tables are unofficial, created by me, using the numbers from the Attrition Reports on Wednesday Aug. 9th, and Monday August 14th. There are possibilities of errors in some manner or another, so please be cautious. Don't forget, the numbers may change drastically within the next 2 days).
Attrition Report as of August 9th, 2006 at 5:00pm - As of Wednesday at 5pm, (the ending time to submit the forms for the Attrition Program), there were a total of 3,385 people who had signed-up to leave Packard. pdf doc 139kb
There are/were approximately 3,779 total employees, so with 3,385 signing-up to leave, that would leave 394 total staying. But those numbers can fluctuate greatly within the next 6 days if people who had recently signed-up to leave end up removing their Attrition forms.
Going with those current numbers, if there's around 2,934 Production folks, 2,711 of which had signed-up, this would leave approximately 223 Production staying. This would be a shortfall of around -487, if Delphi wants to have only 710 Production jobs.
And for Skilled Trades, still using those current numbers, 674 had signed up out of around 845 Skilled Trades, leaving 171 staying. This would be a shortfall of around -152, if Delphi wants to have only 323 Skilled Trades jobs.
Once again, be aware, the numbers may fluctuate wildly within these last 6 days as people who had recently signed up may take out their forms. (August 11th)
Attrition Report August 8th, 2006 - As of Tuesday, August 8th, 7/2/00 Seniority is the cut-off to hold one of the 710 Production jobs at Packard Electric. 2,750 total of both Production & Skilled Trades had signed-up to leave. Posted in-plant on Wednesday, August 9th. scanned into pdf doc 133kb (August 10th)
The Unofficial count we heard running round the plants varied between 3,250 and 3,400 on Wednesday afternoon. It's unknown if that number is close to actuality or not.
Please be aware, the cut-off Seniority Dates may fluctuate wildly within these last 7 days as people who had recently signed up may take out their forms.
It would be helpful to know if the numbers on all the Attrition Reports were ever recalculated when people removed their forms during this program's 45 day period. I have no idea if they were adjusted or not.
Attrition Report August 7th, 2006 - As of Monday, August 7th, 8/8/94 Seniority is the cut-off to hold one of the 710 Production jobs at Packard Electric. 2,457 total of both Production & Skilled Trades had signed-up to leave. Posted in-plant on Tuesday, August 8th. scanned into pdf doc. 132kb (August 9th)
Attrition Report August 4th, 2006 - As of Friday, August 4th, 2/7/94 Seniority is the cut-off to hold one of the 710 Production jobs at Packard Electric. 2,051 total of both Production & Skilled Trades had signed-up to leave. Posted in-plant on Monday, August 7th. scanned into pdf doc. 144kb (August 8th)
Attrition Report August 2nd, 2006 - As of Wednesday, August 2nd, 11/8/93 Seniority is the cut-off to hold one of the 710 Production jobs at Packard Electric. 1,702 total of both Production & Skilled Trades had signed-up to leave. Posted in-plant on Thursday, August 3rd. scanned into pdf doc. 128kb (August 4th)
Attrition Report July 27th, 2006 - As of Thursday July 27th, 5/11/88 Seniority is the cut-off to hold one of the 710 Production jobs at Packard Electric. 1,175 total of both Production & Skilled Trades had signed-up to leave. Posted in-plant on Monday, July 31st. scanned into pdf doc. 231kb (August 1st)
Attrition Report July 20th, 2006 - (First of the Reports) As of Thursday July 20th, 2/25/85 Seniority is the cut-off to hold one of the 710 Production jobs at Packard Electric. 686 total of both Production & Skilled Trades had signed-up to leave. Posted in-plant Monday the 24th at the clock-out area. scanned into pdf doc. 303kb (July 25th)
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